Monday, September 22, 2008

Random Thoughts

So, I said I was going to be a better blogger and I failed already. Where are my friends & family when I need a reminder. So, here are my thoughts of late...I'm surprisingly into "Rap" music lately. I go through many music fazes. Rock, country (I can two step and have boots & cowgirl hat), big band (love it), Neil Diamond always! Any who, Layne & I car pool each day and when I drop him off, its onto rap music. I mostly do not know all the words, but the beat is catchy and I jive all the way to work. Something about 'cribs' , Kate Moss, blah blah. Kayne West! I think he's my brother and famous in Chicago (thanks M & K). Ever watch "Jail" on tru TV? Great rap song, "Just get me out, just get me out". I love Diddy & Faith's, "every step I take"

Politics- ohhhh, scary subject here in Seattle. Actually scary subject in my family. Wanna see fireworks, bring up politics and watch things lite up. I have some very strong opinions but let me keep those to myself. Only the ballot will tell.

Layne & I have new neighbors, Brian and Kathy. Both of them work at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center. Brian is an oncologist and Kathy works on patient records. They were just recently married and are excited about their new house.

I've recently lost a little weight and guess where it came off? My right foot. All of a sudden my shoes keep falling off my right foot. It makes my trek to the "One Union Building" downtown from my parking spot at 7th & Pike really challenging. I've actually been known to walk through the convention center (everyday, I walk through) barefooted. I get a few stares. Oh well, its how I roll.

War in Iraq- I have mixed feelings about this but our son Ryan is unfailingly serving his country in Iraq. I do have very definite feelings about those in Ballard who gather to protest the war. It makes me think what all the young women & men serving in Iraq and Afghanistan and other warring countries would think. They have left their families, their jobs and many are imminent danger every minute to serve our country. Ryan, thanks and love to you and all the other military individuals.

I love period movies. I watched Pride & Prejudice this weekend for about the 20th time. I love that movie! The Bridget Jones movies are also my favorites. Something about Hugh Grant, I just can't resist.

Enough already! Thanks for reading and commenting if you do!


Matt said...

We love how you roll, ma!

NoelPaterson said...

Great post! Next musical genre for you... Bluegrasss!