Tuesday, October 21, 2008

My Killer Career is in Full Out Crazy Mode!

Hello everyone-

As you may or may not know, my busiest season at work is October, November & December. May I just tell you that busy season is at its peak. SOOOO...I will not be posting blogs for awhile. I know you are all upset, but get over it.

Just think of me slaving over insurance paperwork! Alot of paperwork it is.

Thinkin' of you all.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Kallens Flag Football & Layne's 59th Birthday

This past Saturday 10-11-08, we (Jeff, Jill, Emmett, Clara, GiGi, Layne & I) trecked down to Maple Valley to watch Kallen's flag football game. The weather was gorgeous and we really enjoyed watching Kallen play. Quinn, Clara & Emmett had fun watching the game or doing track & field events. What was the cutest was that Emmett followed Kallen around and when they went into a huddle with the team, there was Emmett kneeling down next to Kallen listening to the coach. Clara & Emmett sure love their bigger cousins. They love to do what they are doing. In addition to the game, Eva prepared Navajo taco's that were outstanding. We all were miserable from eating so much. Yummy food! Then we sang Happy Birthday to Layne and he opened a couple of presents and we had cheesecake with homemade (by the sister in laws) syrups.

After all that, we proceeded to a pumpkin patch to pick out pumpkins and have a hayride. Fun, Fun, Fun day!

See Layne at the pumpkin patch

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I want, I want, I want!!

Since my take home pay hardly takes me home, I decided to post a list of wants in case anyone out there is rich and wants to spoil me.

My job is so stressful and with my new found love of rap music, if anyone has an old IPOD out there, I would love it. I wouldn't be able to hear what's going on around me and I could concentrate.

Lazy girl chair...I need a big comfy lazy boy chair to grow old or young in.

Who is more important than me? Me!!

I hope you are all smiling as you read this! Its mean't in fun and for rich people to read.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Sunshine in Seattle

Today was a beautiful sunny day! Seattle residents celebrate days with sun. Our summer was so short and fall is already here so when the sun is out, everyone wants to be outside, including me. I was supposed to clean my house but I wanted to outside. I think I'll have all winter to clean. Jeff and Jill gave me a rose bush from their yard last year and I transplanted it and hoped for the best. This summer I had gorgeous salmon colored roses. I love them! Tonight we went to dinner with our neighbors, Stan & Jane. We went to Luisa's for Mexican. It was yummy and we enjoyed being with them. We have great neighbors! It was such a nice day!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Random Thoughts

So, I said I was going to be a better blogger and I failed already. Where are my friends & family when I need a reminder. So, here are my thoughts of late...I'm surprisingly into "Rap" music lately. I go through many music fazes. Rock, country (I can two step and have boots & cowgirl hat), big band (love it), Neil Diamond always! Any who, Layne & I car pool each day and when I drop him off, its onto rap music. I mostly do not know all the words, but the beat is catchy and I jive all the way to work. Something about 'cribs' , Kate Moss, blah blah. Kayne West! I think he's my brother and famous in Chicago (thanks M & K). Ever watch "Jail" on tru TV? Great rap song, "Just get me out, just get me out". I love Diddy & Faith's, "every step I take"

Politics- ohhhh, scary subject here in Seattle. Actually scary subject in my family. Wanna see fireworks, bring up politics and watch things lite up. I have some very strong opinions but let me keep those to myself. Only the ballot will tell.

Layne & I have new neighbors, Brian and Kathy. Both of them work at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center. Brian is an oncologist and Kathy works on patient records. They were just recently married and are excited about their new house.

I've recently lost a little weight and guess where it came off? My right foot. All of a sudden my shoes keep falling off my right foot. It makes my trek to the "One Union Building" downtown from my parking spot at 7th & Pike really challenging. I've actually been known to walk through the convention center (everyday, I walk through) barefooted. I get a few stares. Oh well, its how I roll.

War in Iraq- I have mixed feelings about this but our son Ryan is unfailingly serving his country in Iraq. I do have very definite feelings about those in Ballard who gather to protest the war. It makes me think what all the young women & men serving in Iraq and Afghanistan and other warring countries would think. They have left their families, their jobs and many are imminent danger every minute to serve our country. Ryan, thanks and love to you and all the other military individuals.

I love period movies. I watched Pride & Prejudice this weekend for about the 20th time. I love that movie! The Bridget Jones movies are also my favorites. Something about Hugh Grant, I just can't resist.

Enough already! Thanks for reading and commenting if you do!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

WHEW!! Where Have I Been?

My oh my, it has been awhile since I have posted to my blog. Alot has happened! Matt & Karen (Chicago) brought their 3 little gems to gramma & grampa while they vacationed in Hawaii. Thier first trip alone in ten years! They had a fabulous time. Back in Seattle, we were having alot of fun until gramma (me) decided to blow out her back with a herinated disc. It was so painful. My grandchildren saw their gramma cry alot. Luckily, they were such little warriors, they climbed on gramma & grampa's big king sized bed and played around me. GiGi, their "great gramma" (my mom) at 83 would drive over everyday at 7:30 am and stay until 6:00 pm to help me with the kids. It worked out well despite the unplanned kink in the works.

I was out of work from July 28th until September 5th. It took a lot of drugs and laying around to ease the pain in my right leg which is where most of the nerves were pinched from the disc. Kudo's to my mom, Lola, my husband Layne and to the rest of my family and friends for bringing in food, trying to keep me from going crazy and for all their patience and kind words.

I am scheduled for physicial therapy so hopefully this won't happen again.

Anywho!!! What's going on with the rest of the world? I have to say that I so admire Bop & Beep for their postings on their blog. They are the epitomy of what "good bloggers" should be. Check it out, http://bopandbeep.blogspot.com/. I need to become a better blogger! Along with being a better friend, wife, aunt, gramma, eating better, exercising more, and being more spiritual.

Well, you are all witness to my resolutions! Keep me on path. Love to all!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Eastern Medicine

This past week I was in severe pain with my lower back. So much so, that I would have pretty much done anything to get rid of it (even Layne's offer of using his Black & Decker products was looking attractive). When I got to work on Tuesday, my eye's were glazed over with pain and one of the VP of Sales could tell. He said he had back problems and that acupuncture had worked great for him. So, being desperate for relief I had him call to get me an appointment and luckily they were able to get me in that day. I was nervous and even had my mom go with me (she's a saint and never stops raising me!). I was a pin cushion and had to lie flat on my back with the needles in my feet, hands, ears, and forehead. I must say I felt better when I got up. I went in again on Wednesday and have another appointment on Friday. My back feels alot better and I'm a believer! Don't knock it till you try it! I found out they do a face lift with needles and it costs $500. Hmmmm?!?!

Thursday, July 10, 2008


I love summer. I love being outdoors. I love the 4th of July. This year, I deceided to find a parade, something the West family have always done on the 4th but not since the 6 years we've been in Seattle. Edmonds City has a parade, so Jeff, Jill, Clara, Emmett, Gigi, Gramma (me) and papa (Layne) piled into a car and went to the parade. Grampa & I walked away and had breakfast and then we watched a great little hometown parade. So much candy being thrown to the kids, free plastic beach balls, bubbles and so much more. Fun! See pic's. Gramma got the privlege of getting off work early on Wednesday, July 9th and picked up Clara & Emmett at day care. Jill was swamped at work and Jeff was traveling in CA for work. I arrived at daycare and went to pick up Clara first. She was just coming in from running through the sprinklers and they were having their afternoon treat. I told her I would sit beside her. Another cute little blond girl said, "Hi, Clara's gramma!" Clara quickly held her hand up and told the little girl, THIS IS MY GRAMMA! As the next few minutes went on, I felt so wanted because the little girl wanted to show off for me and Clara wasn't having it. She didn't want to share her gramma. Emmett's face went into enormous smile mode when he saw gramma and he nearly ran me down to hug me. We went home and the kids played in Gramma's fancy swimming pool. (A molded plastic one). They thought it was so fun to splash Gramma and actually it was so much fun. We all had dinner when papa got home and it was overall one of the nicest days ever!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Seven Food to Keep You Young

MSN say;s that 1) yogurt 2)salmon 3)olive oil 4)nuts 5) dark chocolate 6) wine 7)blueberries are foods that will keep you young. Considering the list above, I figure I should be about 30 years old. The only thing keeping me from jumping back to my teens is the wine. Hmmmm. On the other hand La (Layne) should be about 32. He doesn't eat blueberries, salmon, yogurt only occasionaly, no wine, a little chocolate and tons of nuts!

I think we both better evaluate our diets. Should you? Comments are welcome.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Fathers Day, Sunday June 15, 2008

We had a very nice Sunday on Fathers Day. We attended our church meetings, the Dad's were given a huge chocolate chip cookie wrapped & ribboned. Then we picked up Mom and went to the Ballard Locks where they had a bag pipe concert. It was wonderful! Bag Pipes are one of my favorite things because it is reminiscient of my high school days (we had bag pipes and I was in the tartan drill team where we preformed the highland fling). We so enjoyed the concert. Then all of us loaded into Jeff & Jills car and went to the University Village, where Emmett and Clara played in the water fountains and had such a great time. Their little chins were just shaking from being cold, but they didn't want to stop.

Days like Sunday where the weather was so warm and we were with those we loved make all the other not so good days just fade away!

Thursday, May 29, 2008


Okay, so here’s the deal. I’m tired of looking like Clint Eastwood and prefer to go back to my Leonardo DiCaprio days. So you people need to nominate me for an extreme makeover to include some major face work. It’s just embarrassing to go out to eat and have the waitress lady automatically give me the “senior discount” without even asking for it. I guess I could try and pull everything up and super glue it in place but I don’t think I could blink if my eyes were glued open. I also need someone to donate a large bunch of hair so I can get a weave or rug or something to cover up the empty spots on the old noggin. Anyway, get together and write up some cheesy document that will insure I get the face makeover thing. Do it now before the skin gets anymore loose and just sags to the floor. I love you guys-buddies for life, or at least till I get a new face.
Oh yeah, throw in some cash so I can get a good down payment on that fancy red sports car that keeps tugging at me to buy, buy, buy. I need some new clothes too, so see what you can do about that. You people are generous to a fault. Thanks again, cough up the cash.
Get a committee together and get going on the makeover. I will put Kelly in charge so work it out with her. All donations should come directly to me, cash only I don’t take checks. In the event I do not win the makeover, I will certainly return whatever cash is left over.


Layne West
Parking Services
206-529-8993 direct
206-729-0590 main
800-828-4197 toll free
206-729-0990 fax

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

My One & Only Nephew

Recently, I (Lorraine) went to my niece Tracy's wedding in Southern California. This was preceded by my niece, Jenny's wedding in Southern California as well. I have 4 wonderful nieces, Jenny, Tracy, Lauren and Courtney, whom I love dearly.

Out there by himself, is my one and only nephew, Justin! Saying Justin's name just puts a smile on my face. He is one totally awesome nephew. When he was little, I would bribe him with candy, to say that he loved his Aunt Lorraine more than anyone. He would always take the bait, despite my brother's indignation over that whole exercise. Now that he is "16", I think he would see through the whole candy bribe. Whenever I get the chance to see Justin, he gives me a hard time and I give it back, but this nephew of mine is very special to me. He doesn't shy away from his goofy aunt as other guys his age would do. So, Justin, here's to you from your favorite aunt (?). Keep being the great person you are and you will go far in the world. Until next time, make a goofy face for me. Love, from your Aunt Lorraine

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


So last weekend, my 3 friends and I had our twice yearly beach outing to Pacific Beach. Sue, Linda and Virigina and I leave at noon on Friday and stay until Sunday. There is alot of irreverant talk, laughter and all manner of ill behavior (still tame :( by most standards). Anyway, the girls get wild by going into Aberdeen and shopping at WalMart (we don't have one near us). We separate and tell everyone to meet at the McDonalds in the store when done and then we go and see how much damage we can do. Usually, Linda & Virginia win but this year Linda and I won the contest. Virgina wasn't on her game. Then we had lunch at Duffy's....yahoo! We had a favorite gift shop we usually stopped at but unfortunately it closed. Then we go to our favorite clothing store but alas, they were closing too (not much good about the economy in Aberdeen), so everything was at a discount! Virginia & I made out like bandits. Its alot of fun to be with my friends and act like we are 20 again.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Monday, April 21, 2008

Layne's Clever Words- Sent to his Diamond Parking Associates!

Hola my muchachos and muchachettes,

So okay, we’ve got Sinco de Mayo coming up here in May or June, and I think Jessica has some plans in the works for a traditional Mexican feast with lots of hot sauced goodies and the such. Sinco de Mayo falls between Sinco de quatorso and Sinco de sixo and is the celebration where the snakes were driven out of Ireland by Saint Vidas after which they had the annual dance in remembrance of the event. It is also a celebration of when Montizuma forced the Spanish conquistadoors out of South America and set up a lucrative business trade with Irving Starbucks, who late in life became famous as the urinal cake king. Historically, the ousting of the Spanish is know as Montizumas revenge and is still celebrated with must gusto, just not in Spain where it is knows as the Montezuma Police Action and technically is still going on. Anyway, what with the traditional big hat things that they wear down there and the lovely scarves and sandals, we should have a great time. Of course Kelly will be in charge of the prize shelf and picking the best costumes... This year we have in addition to the lovely paper clip and cough drop, a wonderful all plastic Chevron Gift Card with a nice picture of the Chevron logo. It has no dollar value but can really perk up and add character to an otherwise dreary wallet or purse. We also have a lovely rubber finger thing that you use to separate checks and mail and stuff so you don’t have to keep licking your finger all the time and possibly contracting a nasty bug. I’ve heard we will be having sopapilla or maybe polio con carne, and maybe one of those fancy desserts like flan for flatus. If anyone can play the guitar or maybe the trumpet we could put together a marichacha band and circulate around the neighborhood for a few minutes singing and dancing with a happy Latin beat. Also, if someone has one of those Pineyauhta things that are stuffed with Twinkies and cupcakes and dingdongs, we good get a bunch of sticks and have a Pineyauhta smashing event where all the sineretas (girls) gather about and bash the thing until the cream filling comes gushing out of the cup cakes and such. Way back in the olden days before they had the cream filled food group they used to fill the Pineyauhta with large stones and the idea was to hang it in a tree and try to bash it till it opened and then run away to avoid the rocks before you got your head bashed in. We’ve come a long way baby. Sinco de Mayo comes from the Latin verb Sincus which means “go below the water,” as in a ship sincus; and, de Mayo coming from the Egyptian for Mayonnaise which was and still is a creamy white sandwich fixin best used with bolognie or maybe thin sliced ham and a mild cheddar with a chunk of pickle. .We translate Sinco de Mayo in English to mean “time of great blessings when the infidel Americans and French where forced to take their evil ways and depart hence into the wilderness like a plague of locusts sweeping through the village like a great rushing wind that was hot like the breath of heck, or something.” Anywho, lets all get gussied up for Sinco de Mayo. The holiday used to be called “Slinko do May” and involved a snake on a stick, but that is too difficult to say five times in a row, so it was shortened. Have a mucho grade day.

Mochas Gracias,

Francois Coupe de Ville, Prof.
Historiano de la casa por la Mexicano stuffo.
125 1/2 Calle de la Cucaracha
Margaritaville, MX 25478935651245-B

Friday, April 11, 2008

Funny little story

As you may or may not have heard, the Dalai Lama is in Seattle for a "Seeds of Compassion" conference. Anywho...I had a client lunch with one of my associates and we were meeting the client down south. When we were on our way back, we exited the freeway and had to stop at the light and the end of the exit. I happen to glance over at the white chrisian church across the street and could see a person in orange (I thought he had on robes) and this person appeared to be waving his arms up and down slowly. So I told Tracy (my associate), "Oh look Tracy, there's the Dalai Lama". Tracy took a look and said, "Ahhh, Lorraine, it seems to be a maintenance worker, power washing the church." Oops, they say that sight is the first thing to go, (or is it memory?) anywhooooo, when we came upon all the cops in the city, Tracy said, "Oh my gosh, these guys are totally missing the boat, they need to head up to the Christian church to protect the Llamha!"
To those reading this, may I say, "Have some seeds of compassion here!"

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Too bad it can't last forever......

Well, Mom & Gramma West is back from her vacation. I had such a great time with my two brothers and families. And due to the great weather in Calif., it was hard to leave. Brian, Lauren and I went to the aquarium in Long Beach. Beautiful day, beautiful coral displays, beautiful jelly fish. See the pictures.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Today was my 48th birthday! :( Brian & Lauren took me to breakfast and then we went to get our hair colored and styled. Afterwards we went to a cute boutique in Glendore (where I grew up). I got a cute summer purse. Then we went to San Dimas to see Robin (Tracy & Jenny's mom) who is in the hospital. She had passed out on the tennis court and had been there a couple of days for dehydration and flu. It was good to see her but not in that condition. I hope she gets better soon. Brian and Mike took me to dinner at "Market Broiler" (same as the Salt Lake resturant) and I had some Jamician Lime red snapper. Yummmmeee good!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

And rhe sun shines on.....

Saturday Brian & I got up early and headed down to the Orange County swap meet. The weather was beautiful and I purchased a purse hook and a pair of sandals. I also bought some huge strawberries and grapes. Yum! Brian and I went to the "Chart House" in Newport Beach for lunch. I had blackened red snapper and Brian had blackened opah. It was so good. Afterwards we walked around the pier and looked at all the yachts and picked out a couple that we liked. Then we shopped and shopped. At 8:00 pm we drug ourselves off the sofa and went to "Der Weinerschnitzel" and chowed down on chili dogs and mustard dogs.

Sunday, we lounged around and then got dressed and went to brunch, (Lauren, Brian & I). Then we went to church. It was so nice to meet all the nice people of their ward.

Tomorrow, I actually have to work. Brian and Mike are going golfing and Lauren is planning to apply for jobs.

Signing off for now!

Friday, March 7, 2008

Lorraine's First Full Day In California

On Thursday, March 6th, we completely filled the day. Brian and I got up and took a two mile brisk walk, came home and got cleaned up and went to Cabazon, which is a huge outlet mall. Lauren went with us and we had a good time shopping. Brian got some golf clothes, Lauren got a suit for job hunting and I purchased a suit for work. Then we raced home, changed clothes and met Mike, Courtney and Justin at an Olive Garden for dinner. Oh my gosh, we laughed until I felt sick. It was fun! Brian and I watched a "Night at the Museum" with Ben Stiller. Great Movie! It is now Friday morning and I'm just waiting for these other two to wake up so we can get going on our 2nd fun day!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

For Us Animal Lovers.....it made me cry!

Look at the still photo to the right. Then upload the attachment. There's no sound, but look at the picture first and then watch the video. These 2 guys reared this lion from a baby in England but the authorities would not allow them to keep it once it reached maturity so they were forced to give it up, they took it back to Africa and placed it in a wildlife sanctuary, a year later they went to see it and were told it would not remember them.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

I'm leavin' on a jet plane...

I'm leaving Wednesday at 5:00 pm for sunny California (average temperature while there is 75). Jeff is kindly taking me to the airport. Check in with Dad to make sure he doesn't sleep himself to death.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Grampa has a way with words. His epistle to those at his work who participated in wearing funny hats.

Also, have a "Happy Leap Day". Leap day is not a day to be taken lightly. Ever since it was discovered that the earth makes an extra turn on this day every four years it has been a point of excitement and controversay among the intelligencia and heathen alike. Not quite as spectacular in scope as when the planets align and the earth rips open belching fire, lava, and the souls of the damned, it can be just as fun and exciting what with all of the parades and festivals in town. In early ancient times on this day it was celebrated more at Christmas time when they would have several Lords a'leaping, followed by some dancers dancin' and gold rings and swans a swanning and stuff. Today , in more modern times, we celebrate more by eating exotic canned meat products from Brazil and watching each other. Well, have a great day and congratulations again to the happy winners of the hat day promotion.
The hat committee


Hello family & friends- The parents are joining the ranks -

I guess Layne & I better shape up and join the blogger family.

I'll try to up date as often as possible. Our life is pretty boring, but I'm hoping you will read anyway. I am leaving on Wednesday, March 5 to visit my brothers in Southern California and fitting in some business as well. I will post my escapades while I'm down there. Just so you know, Lorraine's greatest accomplishment in life is producing 4 wonderful sons, who in turn (with my beautiful daughter-in-laws) produced my exceptional 7 grandchildren and hopefully more to come! Grampa Layne loves his grandchildren and seems to be favored over grandma! Oh well, what can I say?